Translate v.05, by Erick Hammersmark. Translate is a command-line utility to translate between a string and the ascii codes that make up that string. Translate is capable of going both ways (from characters to numbers or from numbers to characters), and can express values in either decimal or hex. Translate is also capable of taking it's input from a text file. Translate is used as follows: C:\tran Hello There This would produce the following output: 72 101 108 108 111 32 84 104 101 114 101 Please note that, when given text on the command line tail, Translate cannot distinguish one whitespace character from another. Thus, even if words are separated with tabs, Translate will return ascii code 32 (a space) between words. To avoid this, Translate may take its input from a text file. C:\tran -f myfile.txt This would translate every line in myfile.txt. Codes 13 and 10 (carriage return and line feed) will not appear at the end of every line. To convert from ascii values to a string, use the "-r" option: C:\tran -r 72 101 108 108 111 32 84 104 101 114 101 This would produce the following output: Hello There The two options may be combined (tran -rf somefile.txt). The third option available is the ability to display values in hexadecimal notation. When using this option ("-h") in combination with "-r", make sure you precede each number with a "$" (eg $6D or $5e). Tran is ShareWare. If you use it often, please register it by sending $10 to the address below. Registration will entitle you to this and all future versions of both the Windows and DOS versions of Translate (mailed to you if you send me a disk and postage) and free technical support. Erick Hammersmark 18540 1/2 Densmore Ave N Seattle, WA 98133 Although this is the initial release of Translate for DOS, it is numbered version .05 to correspond with the older Windows product sharing the same name (and, oddly enough, the same function!). Version history: .04 : initial release of DOS version. .05 : maintenance release of Windows version. Plans for the future: Memory resident pop-up version. If you have any problems, questions, complaints, praises, etc., please direct them to me, Erick Hammersmark. I can be reached through US mail at the address above, or through Internet E-Mail at Feel free to drop me a line wether you are registered or not.